Friday, July 24, 2009

Man with penguin

Hello. Man love penguin. Man play with penguin. Penguin go waddle waddle. What the heck am I saying. Man hate penguin so much. Penguin love man. Penguin marry man. Man kill penguin. Happy ever after.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Which do you prefer?

Some people say that Aunt Arctic is better than Rockhopper, DJ Candence, Gary and the Penguin Band. If you have an opinion about which one is better than post a comment. Adios amigos adios my friends asta la vista 'till we meet again.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

my penguin

Hey it's frankjoebob1 with the new blog. Don't forget it is the awesomeist ever!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you want to know my penguin name it is frankjoebob1. I'll usually be in a red color if not than purple color. I am also not a member. If you see me than add me as a buddie. that is all you really need to know about my penguin. Bye!!!!!!!!